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Lookout Island

Lookout Island is a small island to the north of Founders Bay. It's about a two-day voyage from Brightshore.

The island's coast has been mapped out from a distance, but so far only two expeditions have attempted to set foot on the island. The first was in Year 21 and never returned. The second was in the 1st month of Year 23.

There remains much to learn about the island. What's known so far is that it's roughly circular in shape, with a diameter of about 12 miles at its widest point. Its shores are steep and rocky on all sides, with only a few narrow access points for small vessels, like rowboats. It appears to be covered in jagged peaks and dense, pinewood forests.

On the eastern coast is a toppled ruined tower. The last expedition was attacked by a band of harpies there. They retreated without killing any of them. They also reported seeing chipmunks, hawks, and sharks around the coast.

Harbormaster Keflir has announced a standing offer to sponsor future expeditions to map out the island and eliminate the harpies, which may prove to be a threat to Brightshore if left unchecked.

brightshore/lorica/lookout_island.1561413825.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/24 17:03 by jude