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Captain Marxa

Female half-orc. Captain of a ship in Brightshore's fleet.

Appearance. Marxa has leathery, sun-baked, olive-green skin. She wears a plain captain's coat and dozens of colored glass beads woven into her wiry, raven-black hair.

Personality. Marxa is known for her competitive, adventurous spirit and short temper. She has a reputation for holding her crew to exceptionally high standards and firing them when they don't make the cut.

Ship and Crew. Marxa's ship is a small, fast caravel called the Eel. She usually sails with a complement of 15-25. Ranking members include:

  • Jebidiah Bravemarch, First Mate. A male dwarf known for his flamboyant style and jovial personality.
  • Vasco, Pilot. A male human from Vessar, highly protective of his impressive navigational charts.
  • Greta, Cook and Surgeon. A matronly female half-orc who makes a much better Surgeon than she does Cook, although she considers Cook her formal position.
  • Kulgus. A blind, senile triton whose origin and job aboard the ship are not fully understood.

Fees. Marxa charges passengers on her ship 1 sp per mile if they're headed her way. For 30 gp a day, she'll sail adventurers to unexplored parts of Draobmi, but only if they have a specific destination and a solid plan.

brightshore/npcs/marxa.1574570262.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/23 22:37 by jude