Table of Contents

Locations in Lorica

This page is a hub for places on the continent of Lorica.

Brightshore Region

Aukari Pine

The pine-shrouded eastern peninsula of the Brightshore region, home to the Aukari druids and hunting grounds of the infamous Sartumal.


Sites claimed by Brightshore or close enough to the town that they may as well be. If not patrolled, these sites may fall into the hands of other factions or monsters (and may have already if no one has checked on them recently).

Dragon Lairs

Several dragons have made their lairs in the lands around Brightshore.

North Woods

Wooded expanse north of Brightshore. Home to haflings, lizardfolk, and other creatures.


Leaves never grow on the trees here, and a permanent shroud of mist prevents more than a twilight glow from reaching the forest, even on the sunniest of days. Armastus is recognized as the sovereign of this forest by the Council of Brightshore.

South Woods

Wooded expanse south of Brightshore. Home to haflings, lizardfolk, and other creatures.

Desert Region

This region includes a desert controlled largely by the Qatec'lan nation, as well as a mountain directly east of the desert.

Hills Region


The Goliaths of Lorica live in the hills south of the great frozen expanse known as the Wyrmfrost.


Stalwart Shield

The Stalwart Shield is a large clan of hobgoblins and orcs whose territory lies west of Brightshore. They are currently at war with the goliaths.

Jungle Region

Goodleaf Jungle

Several expeditions have been made to this jungle to the southeast, which bears the name of the hero Finn Goodleaf, who sacrificed his life so that one of the first expeditions could return to Brightshore.

Peninsula Region

Locations in the savannas and jungles of Lorica's southern peninsula.


Locations in the sea around Lorica (not including islands, which are considered parts of other regions).


Locations found in the Underdark of Lorica.